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The Effects of Pre-University Study of Journalism on Entry to the Job Market
By Lee B. Becker, Jeong Yeob Han, Donna Wilcox and Tudor Vlad
From Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

Abstract: Research in the United States has shown that extracurricular activities at the high school level are beneficial for students. One type of extracurricular activity common in U.S. high schools is journalistic, including production of a student newspaper, involvement with student radio and television, and production of a yearbook. Little is known about the lasting effects of participation in high school extracurricular communication activities. This article examines the impact of participation in high school extracurricular communication activities on initial success in the job market, using data from a national sample of journalism and mass communication graduates.


Check out Journalism 101, a free e-book on teaching journalism by Nina Scott, an English instructor at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. This book was donated to the CK-12 Foundation under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license. This license allows others to use, distribute, and create derivative works based on the content. It contains chapters on the First Amendment, reporting and journalistic writing, digital journalism, ethics, and the law.
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